
How Virtual Reality Is Taking Off As A New Communication Method

The idea of virtual worlds has been around for a long time and has been popular in some form or another ever since the first step into a 3D world via a monitor. However, the idea is not new, and the technology is now at a point where it can be used to create an immersive experience that goes beyond what you could imagine. This article will explore how this technology is being used in communication and how it's predicted to change our future. What is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a virtual universe that people can explore. It is the first shared virtual space ever and was created by Jaron Lanier in the year 1989. It is made up of multiple, different environments and avatars. These avatars can be anything from a human to an animal, even aliens. The Metaverse allows people to create their own world and experience it with others, which creates entertainment and socialization opportunities. How a Metaverse works The metaverse is a virtual world that can be accessed through computer or